31 mag Shoe Lovers Praise Fantastic Innovation ShoeStix That Prevents Common Fashion Mishap of Slipping Shoes
From elegant heels to casual ballet pumps, shoes slipping off is a common fashion mishap that’s not only frustrating but can cause accidents too. Luckily, thanks to creative product ShoeStix, fashionistas have a new essential item to add to their handbag to ensure all shoes fit perfectly.
The ShoeStix solution is simple yet effective, beating rival items found on the high street and DIY approaches. It’s led to the new brand earning overwhelming praise from fashion and comfort conscious shoppers that have been lucky enough to try the product already. The innovative approach, which effectively sticks the wearer’s shoe to the foot and provides padding, comes after Hollywood star Jessica Alba revealed her must-have red carpet product is double sided sticky-tape to stop embarrassing shoe slippages. ShoeStix goes further by providing thicker cushioning that can be reused and easily reinserted into different pairs of shoes.
Sean Donnelly, Founder of ShoeStix, said, “After seeing just how many people were annoyed by the problem of heels slipping and the inadequate solutions currently on the market, I knew there had to be a better way. After going through several prototypes and trying them out for ourselves, we know that ShoeStix does exactly what it promises and the response from our customers proves that the hard work has paid off.”
It was Donnelly’s mother who first inspired the innovative process that led to ShoeStix, but it quickly became apparent that it’s an issue many face (should this be “face” –present tense?). The approach builds on the DIY double sided sticky-tape solution to provide a more comfortable, long-lasting, and effective result.
Each ShoeStix is simply pressed into the heel of the shoe, providing a comfortable place for wearers to position their foot. It’s a discrete, effective option for shoes in styles likely to slip, customers that are in between sizes, and those that find shoes cause friction and blistering. The ShoeStix can be used multiple times over an average of three months, leave no sticky residue on the foot and can be transferred to different pairs of shoes as often as the wearer likes.
Eager customers can order ShoeStix directly from the brand and the team is working to get the innovative product into high street stores. The creative mother and son duo behind ShoeStix are already researching, prototyping, and testing a range of new products that will solve other fashion frustrations.
To find out more visit shoestix.com/
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